
To see God's kingdom be established across the Earth; drawing people to Christ by nurturing their faith and integrating them through devout teaching into the life of the church.


To develop a congregation of Christ-like people who can be active and visible components of the kingdom of God. To change the community and the world by demonstrating the love of Christ to everyone.


Overwhelmed by the gift of salvation our purpose is to be instruments of God who shall faithfully share the Gospel through the works and life. To whole-heartedly love and honor one another just like God has loved us.



We believe the Bible to be the inspired, infallible and authoritative Word of God.

We believe there is One God, eternally existing in three persons; Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

We believe in the personal and imminent return of our Lord Jesus Christ.

  • As a church we exist for God. God is our focus of attention, affection and worship, and the one we seek to honor in all that we do.

  • As a community of faith, we live by the Bible seeking to be informed by and obey the infallible Word of God.

  • We humbly, thankfully and expectantly bring all things to God in prayer to seek his blessing, guidance and wisdom.

  • We are committed to the expansion of Christ’s kingdom. Motivated by gratitude to God for his goodness, we invest in ministries here, near and far. We also commit to doing missionary work to bless others just as God has blessed us.



Leadership Liderazgo

Herlinda Montejo

Nelly Cañas

Edgar Mellado

Javier Alvaro

Azucena Marquez

Esther Mendoza